Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 34 - 27 July

Weather: Thunderstorm, again.

I forgotten to replace my stock of breakfast yesterday! Luckily Jun 씨 bought me a noodle a few weeks back. So I had that for my breakfast. The rain lasted the whole day today. It's terrible. And both my shoes were wet so I had to wear slippers to school. Plus bermudas.

 Breakfast from Jun.

 Lunch in school canteen. The pancake tastes like roti prata minus the crispiness. The dumpling sauce tastes like filet-O-fish tartar sauce.

After lunch we went up to level 6 to study again. The weather was so bad that it actually felt quite cold at the 6th story.

 I thought the rain was going to stop until.. got even heavier!

 I fell asleep while reading Baumeister's paper! Super long and complex.

After school, we went to Sinchon where Yonsei University is located at. Joana wanted to bring us to a chicken stew place but she forgot where is it. So we settled for Happy Table. HAHA!
 Pickles as side dish. Quite rare to see that.

 Happy Table. Quite cheap.

 My food!

Then we went to search for the dessert place. Joana couldn't find it. So we just walk around aimlessly and finally found another branch of the dessert shop - Iceberry! Walking around in the rain is no joke. The rain feels like some shower head, it gets heavy on and off! Weird weather! My poor umbrella suffered so much during this trip. Thank goodness it's still surviving!

 This is the dessert shop!

 This is the Kingbingsu!! DAMN HUGE!! It was so big that we almost couldn't finish it!

 We ordered ice cream also. The green tea ice cream isn't that nice compared to Caffe Bene's.

You have to mix the kingbingsu up like this and eat it. HAHA! It tastes nice!

Summer is going to end. It's going to be so sad. Because back in NUS, the stress level will be elevated to new heights once again! SIGH! I'm liking the style of studying here. Cos there's no TV to distract me! HAHA! I can't study when a TV is within my reach.

Anyway, I had fun today. Audrey was talking about the sms languages like moi, gurl, gal, boi etc. And she was saying how we used to use those language which we find it not very nice to use now. 

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