Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 24 - 17 July

I finally feel the Sun today when walking out for lunch! Went to Biya for lunch.
They only have Budae jigae I think, since I don't know how to decipher their menu.
So yz and I ordered Budae jigae and added one ramen (aka instant noodles) in. It has sausages, rice cake, cabbages, minced beef and some chewy tranparent noodles which tastes like "dong fen". We couldn't communicate with the waiter there so we just 比手画脚 plus a bit of English. HAHA! It was super funny. I think the waiter felt very troubled.

 Budae jigae! Nice soup!

 A bottle of free sprite!

We felt super super full after the meal! Shouldn't have added the additional ramen. But anyway it was not bad. Went back to the dorm to study a bit before going to gym and dinner. Gabriel told us that there is this cafe above the GS 25 (one of the convenient stores) which is sort of buffet style. It cost only 4000won. But there is a menu for the buffet everyday. You can take as many portions as you want but they only serve what is on the menu and usually there isn't much variety. There's beef today though! And it tastes not bad.

 I took two bowls of the beef. And felt extremely full again!

 Their menu for the week.

Went to daiso to get the digestive biscuit for breakfast. Then went to a mart to get cornflakes for breakfast as well! Also, the instant cereal to try.
New additions for breakfast!

Time to study Korean! 

안녕하십니까, 저는밍웨이입니다. 저는 대학생 이에요. 저는 싱가폴사람 이에요. 만나서반갑습니다. 오늘 저는 식당에가요 밥을 먹어요. 그리고슈퍼마겟에가요 우유를사요.그리고 집에가요 한국어를공부해요.

Translation: Hello. I am Mingwei. I am a University student. I am from Singapore. Nice to meet you. Today I went to the restaurant to have a meal and went to the supermarket to buy milk. And headed home to study Korean Language.

Haha. A short paragraph like this took me quite some time! There should be some mistakes here and there. lol. [update] I found some mistakes, forgotten to put in the particles! HENG! I must rmb to do it tml!

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