Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 29 - 22 July (DMZ, Namsam Tower, Teddy Bear Museum)

SUPER TIRING DAY!! Early in the morning at 820am, we assembled at WooDang Hall and headed to DMZ/JSA Tour. I didn't regret going to DMZ because it allowed me to know more about the place and the price is cheaper compared to other tours conducted outside. Furthermore, transport was provided and the lunch was splendid! Just that there weren't enough time to eat. KU provided breakfast for us, ChocoPie and Bread. Good enough to fill my stomach. The trip to DMZ took us 2.5hour in the morning and 1.5 hour back due to traffic jam.

Breakfast on the bus. 

I was quite shocked at the number of photos I took today, so i just randomly posted some here. At the DMZ/JSA, one has to follow strictly to the rules, and the place is quite solemn. Everything seem so serious that it freak me out a little. It's quite an eye opener to see such sensitive stuff up close. Oh. And the tunnel was really omg I don't know how to describe.

I've climbed enough slopes today. And it's time to rest my legs soon.

 Here is a friendly South Korean guard. He knows Singapore!

 Lunching here. Nice bulgogi!! And the side dishes as well!

 Look at this!! Nice!! The beef is really good!

 At the exhibition hall.

 Outside of it.

 DMZ Tour about to end.
 Ended at the Dora Observatory Tower.

The weather was too foggy to really see anything over the DMZ area. Because DMZ is quite a sensitive topic, I don't know how much I can say, so it's better not to talk much. If you want to know more, maybe just  join any tour to that area.

We were back in Korea University ahead of schedule. Then we decided to go to Namsam Tower!! Emma, Olivia, yz and I went up buy bus. Quite fast and cheap!

Yellow Bus 02. Boarded the bus at Daehan Complex Exit 2.

 Namsam Tower in the Daylight.

The lion which I forgot about its name.

 A christmas tree made out of locks. The locks signifies the love of each couple.

We bought the packaged tickets for the teddy bear museum and observatory tower. 14,000 Won. It's worth it I think given that I like to visit such places. And I took over 200 photos. We met Zhi Hui and Wai San at Namsam Tower and we went as a group.

 Teddy Bear Museum!

I like this bear!!!

After millions of photo taking session in the Teddy Bear Museum, we went on to the Observatory Tower. Took some photos there, but again the weather was rather foggy, hence, the photos took were not very nice.

Found some hat in some shop and took it for fun.

 As Namsam Tower is famous for couples, there were a lot of things meant for couples. So the love word is almost everywhere.

Jiamin's JaeJong.

The symbols of love from all the couples thus far. This is only one side of the fence. There are many many more of it!

This was taken inside the lift.

Night view of some model.

Namsam Tower night view!

DEAD BEAT. Took the lousy cable car down from Namsam Tower and it's freaking dumb. The cable car was so squeezy that we couldn't take much photos. And there were no scenery to view at night. Fail. Then we walked to Myeong Dong and ate Lotteria for dinner. It was already 11pm plus then. 

Oh ya. the funny thing was that we were trying to capture the Namsam Tower full view with our faces in the photo that we took turns to take it. From then on, we were in a photo taking spree. We saw this fountain that was changing colour and we went to take every colour of it. Really crazy. But it was fun. A great day spent!

Dead tired now. If I have the time. Maybe I will update this post. If not this would be it. So tired that I just brisked through this post.

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