Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 14 - 07 July (Bath House)

Firstly, Happy Birthday to Gao Fei and Hung Hsiu!

The weather was quite alright today. This is the view from 6th level of WooDang hall down. Quite nice. Then it rained suddenly, and got heavier in the afternoon.

Nonetheless, today is a wonderful and splendid day spent although there was a test for Social Psychology and it was quite tricky. I left the exam room at around 1130pm and yz wanted to go to level 6 to study cause it was still early. So we went there and read a bit before meeting Kenny for lunch at the school's cafe. Look at the queue at 12 noon. But there was my favourite spicy rice cake, so I persevered and waited in the line. haha. 

 The mega long queue. It was worst after I got my food.

My lunch!! Spicy rice cake with cheese. Seaweed soup!

Then it was Korean lesson. This lesson was super taxing to my brain! The grammar was omg! There's so many rules. And I believed that I've passed the critical period for learning languages, so more practice is needed to perfect the language. 

NEXT UP!! Prepare to salivate!! GINSENG CHICKEN!!!! Jun, Paul, Yz and I went to Gyeongbokgung for ginseng chicken!! Like finally. Previously we wanted to eat it but was postponed due to exams and other reasons. We arrived at the station and walked around in search for the famous dish. We did not find the actual shop which Jun found, and settled for another shop. But it was still MEGA NICE!!

 Side dishes as seen in all Korean restaurants.

LOOK at the ginseng chicken below!! There was glutinous rice inside the chicken! And the rice is not just white rice but it's with red beans and green beans! My favourites!!!! OMG!! The soup was so nice that I drank every single drop of it!! MOST BEST!!! It's a must try!!!!! Even though it wasn't the shop we wanted, it is definitely delicious!!! The side dishes were not touched much cause the main focus was on the chicken and I was actually quite full after eating the chicken. BUT Jun was not at all!!! He has a huge appetite I guess.

Ginseng Chicken top my list for Korean Food!!

Then we went to have desserts!! Baskin Robins!! OMG!! The ice cream here is best!! Paul treated the ice cream from Baskin Robins. The flavours: Green tea, cheesecake, espresso and chocolate (which has some super crunchy cookies in it)!! All of which seriously made me want to have more!!! Should have ordered the bigger tub. Haha!

The cakes from Baskin Robins. Want to try the green tea one!

The mega huge tub of ice cream Paul treated! Thanks Paul!

Though satiated, we went around looking for more food as Jun was still craving for it. LOL! Then we came across the Ginseng Chicken Shop which we wanted to visit!!! But it's ok, we will visit it the next time!!!

On the way back to the dorms, Jun went to find his friends and the rest of us went back. Then yz came and ask if I wanted to go to the Bath House, and we went. It was most impromptu!! But nice experience. I feel very comfortable and sleepy now.

Together with many other Singaporeans, we went to the Bath House at Anam. We couldn't find it initially but a kind Japanese couple helped us ask for directions cos all of us speak no korean. lol. Didn't take much photos though. Was too tired after coming out of the 79 degress Celsius room. But I felt damn comfortable after that!! The male room was super cool and I can just fall asleep there. We played monopoly deal at the common area. There were not many people there but it opens for 24 hours and there were a few others who came in like at 1am. The bath house was not really well furnished. It did not look like those filmed on TV. I'm too tired to describe it now. But one should really try it once if you go Korea. 

The "costumes"

 The 60 deg Celsius room.

 79, 40 and 20 deg Celsius rooms.

 Good to go!

Today's really an extremely good day!!! WHEE!!!

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