Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 22 - 15 July (Cooking Nanta Performance!)

Weather: Rainy again.

I finally met my buddy today. Initially we wanted to have Pancakes for brunch. But the stores were not opened! So we headed back to KU, to Cine Cafe and had our brunch there. She just had a cup of coffee while I had tuna bread and kiwi juice.

Tuna panini (I think that's what it's called) and kiwi juice from Cine Cafe.

My KU Buddy - Miss Kwak Mingjung!

The below photos are for people who wants to know how long do you have to walk/climb/crawl to C-J International Dorm from the entrance.
 This is the entrance.

 From the hump onwards.

Continuing from the photo above.

Carrying on.. 

 Reaching soon..

Almost there. 

 Last lap..

 Steepest part of the slope and you'll reach your dorm!

When I returned to my dorm, I couldn't contact yanzhi and Joel. So I went lunch with Mr Kenny Choo at the school cafe. Budget. Reached the cafe at around 1225. Was taken aback by the long queue but we still got in to the line in the end.
 Calamari today!

After lunch it was 1250pm. I thought I will miss the bus or something, so I just flew out of the canteen. It was raining madly! Gross! Got on the school bus heading for Nanta show!!! Was quite shocked when I didn't see yz and Joel on the bus. But luckily they showed up in the end!

 Nanta show brochure.

 The stage.

They use real food while performing! It's really worth to watch it!! MUST WATCH!! Both JUMP and Nanta are of equal standards I think. Oh! In my opinion, I think that the head chef of the Nanta show looks like Lin Jun Jie. HAHA! He's damn funny. Plus the small little rookie guy, hilarious! There were times I think the head chef were so amused by us, the audience, that he 笑场. He's damn funny! OMG!!

 Highly recommended to watch!!

 Cute cartoon board!

I feel so sad when the 2 hours show just zoomed pass like that. Shall find other similar shows to watch! Bet it'll be damn nice! And on our way out we saw this!
 It's a walnut cookie making machine!!

 Something like what Jun offered me.

 My favourite red bean inside!!!!

We stood outside the theater and discussed where to go. Actually we already have an idea of where to go, at least for Joel, Yz and I. But we stayed on for their discussion, asking who else wanted to watch Harry Potter. In the end only the 3 of us went. We need to thank Peiquan's buddy HungSik who led us the way to Myeong Dong area, Lotte Mart where the cinema was. 

 We arrived at Lotte mart, and like typical lost sheeps, we wandered around the departmental store to find the Lotte Cinema! The lift system in Korea is different from those in Singapore, their elevator only served certain levels and some served B1, some served odd and even levels.

We went to purchase the tickets for Harry Potter! Then we went to shop around for a while, and came across this event hall where they are having some mega sale! But not much to buy though, cos mostly are those extremely big sizes or extremely small sizes. Need to practice some digging before you can find your sizes.

 Harry Potter ticket!

I thought the movie was not very exciting. It was rather boring though. Could have more fighting scenes.
This was our dinner. Lotteria. I think it's Korean style McDonald. Lol.

After the movie, we went to shop at the same place again cos there were more stores at the top few levels. But because it's a bit late, so we didn't walk around much. Will be returning to Myeong Dong/ City Hall soon.
It's time to go to bed.

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