Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 38 - 31 July

I thought it was going to be a bright Sunny day? But NO! It rained the moment I stepped out of the dorm. Like really once I reached the lobby it rained! ARGH! I did bring along my umbrella though so it wasn't that bad. I thought of going to Myeong-Dong today to get some stuff but since it was raining the whole day, I decided not to.

McDonald's here is slightly cheaper, just that the orange juice is not from those dispenser you see in Singapore, it's Minute Maid brand orange juice, equally nice! I had hot cakes and it was marvelous! I've been wanting to try some pancakes and I got it today!

Hotcakes ftw!


As mentioned earlier it rained the whole day, so I stayed in the dorm the whole day. Only went out for meals. So lunch was also nice! Had lunch at the Frontier Cafe again, the "buffet" kind. There's fried rice today! Plus some Zha Jian Mian sauce and friend chicken patty. I had 2 rounds, Kenny had 4 and Yz had 1. It cost only 3000Won! But of cos since we don't understand the menu if we were to eat it everyday, it will be a week of surprises! Plus I will become super fat then.

 Worth-it lunch!

Dinner was at some Japanese restaurant which, in my opinion, serves the worst sushi ever! The rice was quite hard and the seafood on it looks sooooo not fresh and the colour isn't bright at all! But the udon tastes not bad. So dinner was the worst out of the 3 meals today. HAHA. Today's so boring that I actually ranked the meals. omg. Oh. I went to gym before dinner and the treadmills were all taken and the people on it ran super long. So I got sian of it and went back to my dorm after cycling for a while at the gym. Will try to go gym tml morning to run. Feel very unhealthy. 

 This is the dinner. No good no good.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 37 - 30 July (Insa-Dong)

Finally we went to Insa-Dong, one of the tourist place.
Prior to Insa-Dong, Kenny brought us to a famous Stew place near Insa-Dong. It's located near the Anguk Subway Station, Exit 1, walk towards Starbucks, follow through some atas cafe, walk past a school, then to a road with trees by the sideS. And you will see a sign like this:

Follow it and queue up!

Fortunately we went there early, so we escaped the long queue! Phew. Look at the queue in the later pictures. We reached there at around 1145am and after a while, the queue came! Anyway, we order Budae jijae ttubokki, Cheese ttubokki and Beef ttubokki with 1 ramen, 1 Q noodles, 1 plate of mandoo and 1 plate of fried seaweed something. It's all cooked together with the special ttubokki sauce and this is how it looks like!

 Are you salivating? I love this! The sauce is BEST!! Would prefer the darker cheese but this is nice too!


 Apron provided to prevent staining of clothes!


 This is the long queue which I mentioned.

After lunch, we went to Insa-Dong, it's just across the street. My main aim was to eat the superb nice Green Tea Ice Cream bing su! And we arrived at the place, O'sulloc Tea House.

 This is the mega nice roasted green tea!! Chao Best de!! I tried it and omg it tastes so qing shuang!! How I wish I can buy like 1 kg of it back! I bought a smaller packet of it though, plus green tea latte and some brain empowering water mix for minghao and myself. LOL!

 This is the tea house. We decided to re visit it after exploring Insa-Dong as we were still full from the jigae.

Walked around Insa-Dong and found this. I didn't buy it cos I'm saving my stomach for the bing su! I bought some snacks for my relatives and tutees, like finally.
 Shit shaped manjoo.


 Roof top.

 Ugly dolls.

After exploring Insa-Dong, we went back to the tea house. It was a long walk back and the weather was hot today. But I'm glad it didn't rain! Nice weather! WHEE!
 Very nice. The green tea is from Jeju, I heard.

We were all so tired and sweaty from the walking, so no more shopping for us as we head back to our dear dorms. Went to gym for a while to cut some calories and blood sugar. Will be going for a run tomorrow. After gym, we went to have dinner, and I finally had bibimbap! It's not bad just that the portion is too small, and there were not much beef also.

 The eatery.

 This is to be shared among 3 people.


Mix it and you can start enjoying!

Went back to dorm, still feeling a little not full, I grabbed this out from the fridge. Black Soy Bean Milk. Not bad quite nice.

Time to study!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 36 - 29 July

Today's weather is super good! There isn't rain throughout the whole day!!
We went Myeong-Dong today. Met yanzhi and joel at 11am at the kitchen before setting off. We went to Lotte Mart at Euljiro 1-ga. Initially we thought the Hypermart would sell some powdered form of ginseng chicken, but apparently it doesn't. They sell the whole chicken with the soup in it. Should I get that back home? Feel like eating that though. I think I should get 2 of that. LOL.

Ok. After a futile trip to Lotte Mart, we walked to Myeong-Dong to have our lunch. We finally had some Chinese food! And it tastes superbly nice! It's been a long time since I ate Chinese cuisine! But the price is a bit steep.

 Decoration of the restaurant.

 Getting ready to eat!

First comes the side dishes..

The appetizer. 凉面.

小笼包. Steamed pork dumplings! Dip it in the vinegar and it tastes fantastic!

Check this out! Mayonnaise shrimp!!! OMG!! NICE!! 

and... Garlic Chicken!!!! BEST!!!

Are you salivating already!?

Lastly, the noodles.

A happy complete meal!! YUM!!

After the wonderful meal, my level of happiness shot up! We then went to shop around. We went a lot of places that I totally have no idea where we went. Myeong-Dong is quite big, so it's no easy to locate a particular shop because there are millions of Faceshop, Etude House, Tony Moly, Skinfood around! I bought a few shirts and pants from SPAO. The quality is quite good. It looks like Korea's uniqlo.

As we shop, we saw Bee Cheng Hiang!

The 1,500won super worth it ice cream in Myeong-Dong. I had the green tea with vanilla yogurt flavor. I find it not bad for the money paid. Nice. Just that it melts quickly under the hot weather! I'm going to eat it again!

Then we went to meet Kenny at SPAO at around 630pm. It feels very uncomfortable when I have a phone but cannot call the other person. And even if there's wifi, I can't be sure that the other person has wifi. So it's like living in an era with no cell-phone. Went to the top of SPAO and saw the SM artistes products.

Super Junior




Super Junior

Kenny, Joel, Yz and I then went to shop around for masks. Kenny is seriously a big spender. He spent a lot on masks already. I pale in comparison. HAHA! But that's a good thing!! Luggage do not have so much space. I think I need to buy more apparels. At 730pm, Kenny left and we were supposed to meet Audrey and Co. but then we were too late for the meet up. Hence, we went to dinner on our own. Found this mega big pork katsu place.

This cheese pork cutlet is bigger than my face! Though it's quite thin, you will feel super filled after eating it (well, at least for me). Jun and Kenny probably wouldn't feel that. LOL!

This is the normal pork cutlet.

After a long day outside, I broke my record of going out from 11am till 11pm and walking around the whole day, only sitting down to rest during meal times. BEST! I'm so tired. And I need to revise for social psych soon. Maybe tomorrow evening after Insa-Dong-ing.

Time passes super quickly for me. Next week would be the last week of Summer. I've not visited every part of Seoul yet though. It's a bit ambitious to do that with so many lessons and work. Oh and I have not take much photos with people. HAHA. Almost all of my photos are food and scenery. I need to at least visit some  tourists visiting areas. And I hope to come Korea with my family and Rebel! I wish to master/ at least understand and be able to speak Korean before the next trip to Korea.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 35 - 28 July (Noraebang)

Another rainy day! Sian. Today was quite fun. I finally experienced the "kbox" of Korea. The number of Chinese songs of cos were very limited. But the room is mega huge! Bigger than those in Singapore. Nice. But we can't really sing the Korean songs. So we chose English songs and Chinese songs. I still prefer going with my rebels to sing song!! I miss them!! I miss my family also!! I want to return to Singapore now!! Jiamin best lor, can return so soon!! I still have my exams to fight, and I still have some shopping to do, but the rain just dampen my mood to the lowest ever level!! SIGH!! The only thing that can make me happy in Korea is FOOD!! It's quite annoying sometimes so I can't understand the menu!! SIAN!! I just realise that my English is totally Singlished!!

I've a big blueblack on my left knee from the badminton session last Tuesday. And my right thigh aches. I need to exercise more. Ate so much sinful stuff this week. And very few fruits. =(

 My lunch today.

 Went to Seoul Station to visit their Lotte Mart.

My dinner at the food court of Seoul Station. 

 Saw this animation on a building across the food court.

 Went to buy some traditional snacks to eat. Too bad it can't be kept for more than 4 days. So I don't think it's appropriate to bring back to Singapore.

 Lotte Mart has Uniqlo, Daiso, Faceshop, Skin Food, InnisFree etc etc. I didn't expect them to have pet shops inside too! And..

Insects for sale?! Male and Female insects!!

Group photo. Photographer: Kenny.
It was nice to have the Singaporeans accompany. Cos we can understand each others' language easier. Foreigner find our accent very difficult to decipher I think. HAHA! Ok time to sleep! It's berry late already. I will be back in Singapore very very soon!!! Char Kway Tiao, Stingray, Fried Carrot Cake, Ban Mian!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 34 - 27 July

Weather: Thunderstorm, again.

I forgotten to replace my stock of breakfast yesterday! Luckily Jun 씨 bought me a noodle a few weeks back. So I had that for my breakfast. The rain lasted the whole day today. It's terrible. And both my shoes were wet so I had to wear slippers to school. Plus bermudas.

 Breakfast from Jun.

 Lunch in school canteen. The pancake tastes like roti prata minus the crispiness. The dumpling sauce tastes like filet-O-fish tartar sauce.

After lunch we went up to level 6 to study again. The weather was so bad that it actually felt quite cold at the 6th story.

 I thought the rain was going to stop until.. got even heavier!

 I fell asleep while reading Baumeister's paper! Super long and complex.

After school, we went to Sinchon where Yonsei University is located at. Joana wanted to bring us to a chicken stew place but she forgot where is it. So we settled for Happy Table. HAHA!
 Pickles as side dish. Quite rare to see that.

 Happy Table. Quite cheap.

 My food!

Then we went to search for the dessert place. Joana couldn't find it. So we just walk around aimlessly and finally found another branch of the dessert shop - Iceberry! Walking around in the rain is no joke. The rain feels like some shower head, it gets heavy on and off! Weird weather! My poor umbrella suffered so much during this trip. Thank goodness it's still surviving!

 This is the dessert shop!

 This is the Kingbingsu!! DAMN HUGE!! It was so big that we almost couldn't finish it!

 We ordered ice cream also. The green tea ice cream isn't that nice compared to Caffe Bene's.

You have to mix the kingbingsu up like this and eat it. HAHA! It tastes nice!

Summer is going to end. It's going to be so sad. Because back in NUS, the stress level will be elevated to new heights once again! SIGH! I'm liking the style of studying here. Cos there's no TV to distract me! HAHA! I can't study when a TV is within my reach.

Anyway, I had fun today. Audrey was talking about the sms languages like moi, gurl, gal, boi etc. And she was saying how we used to use those language which we find it not very nice to use now.