Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 07 - 30 June 2011 (Hangout with Singaporeans)

I woke up super early today, without the help of the alarm clock. Don't know why. And I mistook the time on my iphone to be Singapore time, and thought that I'm about to be late. Then I realised that it's Korea time. So I had an hour to do some readings.

It was raining in the morning as usual, but afternoon was cool and fine. Lessons went on pretty well, just that Developmental Psych is beginning to be boring cause the lectures are a bit rushed and I feel sleepy after having lunch. Oh! I ordered one of my fav dishes, spicy rice cakes with ramen! Nice!

 I ordered it myself this time!

Ok. My favourite lesson of the semester - Korean Language. The teacher went super fast today and I'm was in a state of shock after lesson. All the alphabets have been taught, and I hope I am able to memorise them! It feels cool to be able to read and understand another language. Though I know I still have a long way to go.

After the whole day of lessons, it's time for dinner. Dinner today was with a group of Singaporeans, and I do not know most of them except weiqi and yanzhi. Joel went Crusade Fellowship with Daniel. So yz and I went to eat with them. And coincidentally, among the group, there were classmates of the Korean Lang class. But along the way, it was massive messy! Imagine around 18 people walking on the streets, not knowing what to eat and staring through the glass doors of the various cafes and restaurants! In the end, we came past this Korean BBQ restaurant and decided to have that.

Thankfully and fortunately there is this waitress who knows how to speak Mandarin. If not I would be startled by the Korean words.

The menu all in Korean. 

So the shop is specifically opened for BBQ. Yz and I sat with 2 other classmates in the Korean Language. One funny thing was that when we discovered that there was actually a compartment within the seat, we opened the lid and placed our bags inside, and almost the whole restaurant customers followed suit.

Ok the eggs are free flow. Cool isn't it.

The 五花肉 and lettuce.

Ta da! Eggs were cooked and ready to BBQ the pork!

This meal ended up quite reasonably priced. 5000W per person. oh, the meat were not free flow.

Back to the dorm, I saw these...

Walnut cookies from my room mate, who has been eating those for the past couple of days. Wanting to finish it all up, he decided to put some on my desk before he left to meet his friends.

I'm going LotteWorld tomorrow! Hope the weather's fine!!!

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