Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 03 - 26th June

Highlight of the day - "JUMP!", a musical comedy drama.

It rained first thing in the morning. Seriously.
Today's the first time that we are going out with my room mate, Jun. Over breakfast, we discussed where should we go. Due to the foreseeable rain, we decided to go watch a performance - JUMP!. We then realized that a credit card is needed to book the tickets over the website. In order to make sure that we get the tickets, we went to buy them during lunch time.

Lunch was around Jonggak Subway (131) area and we bought the tickets at the same time. 
We have to go to Cinecore building to purchase the tickets, but because none of us are familiar with the place, we ended up lost for a while. But luckily Korea Tourism Board sign was high up on the building, we head towards it and Jun helped to ask for directions. OH! We stumbled alot of idols.. (see below. Lol)

 Handprints of some Korea Stars.

 Super Junior


Minho (Jiamin see your minho, can't find KHJ)

Ok, so after spending alot of time taking these photos (of cos there are others), we went back out to the streets, and it stopped raining!! And finally, we found Cinecore building, and with Jun's help we managed to get the tickets! 50,000W for middle section, 40,000W for seats at the sides.

The streets of Jonggak. 

Ticket to JUMP! 

Then, we went to the streets opposite to have lunch! Finally. I was so hungry then. We decided to have hotpot/ steamboat. It turns out to be average. Not really fantastic. And it's almost similar to those in Singapore.
Jun and Yanzhi 

Joel and I 

Lunch at "About Hotpot" 

As JUMP! starts at 6pm, we had 2hours plus to idle. So, Yongsan station was the next destination cos it was the nearest place with shopping malls - I'Park. At I'Park, there are millions of electronics! There's a building for just electronics, another for apparels. OMG. It's seriously huge! All shoppings malls in Korea are like magnificently large!! My legs were crying then. We went around the malls, there's supermarket and we bought laundry washing detergent, went to see music store etc..

It was around 515pm when we decided to return to Jonggak. Then we happily hopped onto a subway and realised that we made a mistake! The subway was going to another line! Oh gosh! So dear all please check the last destination of the subway before boarding the subway. But fortunately the line was connected to Line 1, so we transferred back and rushed all the way to Cinecore building to catch the show. It was really at the last minute when we entered the theatre. JUMP! is highly highly recommended!

JUMP! at Cinecore. Very nice. Highly recommended! 

A great show it was!! My tummy grumbled for a while and we walked around to search for budget dinner cos I think I overspent quite a bit. So there's a need to cut down a bit. Found this restaurant - Sinpomandoo. Quite nice an atmosphere for rainy nights.


Sinpomandoo Menu

 Dinner at Sinpo Mandoo (Mine was pork dumpling soup w noodles)

Our day hasn't end. We went to daiso which is near Janggak Subway (Exit 4) to do some grocery shopping. Bought a floor towel to place it outside the toilet, hangers and body lotion. My skin at the nails area are peeling. Next time we should just go daiso and do necessities shopping, its quite cheap.

Ok then it started to drizzle again! Back to Anam station, and here we go again, climbing our favourite steepest slope to Korea University, C-J International House. At this rate, I think my thighs will get super toned, in addition, there are numerous stairs that are always present in every subway station, but not all stations have escalators everywhere. 

Transferring around subway is very tiring, you have to walk walk and walk, climb climb and climb! Nevermind, that's a pretty efficient way to burn the calories off! Ok time to get sleep.

There's orientation tml and placement test tml. Hope to have an enjoyable orientation.

I'm starting to miss home though. Like everything is taken care of, just the weather is abit of a turn off. lol.

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