Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 39 - 01 August

Woke up super early to go for a run today because I didn't get to run yesterday and I'm feeling very unhealthy. I went to the gym at 715am, and ran for 20mins. The treadmill stated that I burnt 200 plus calories, which is so little?! But nevermind, I shall do more running when I get back to Singapore!

I think it's because of the run this morning, I felt extremely sleepy throughout the day. I slept during the developmental psychology lecture, didn't have enough concentration for Korean Lesson. Oh my goodness! And I felt super hungry after Social Psychology! I think I spent too much energy trying to stay awake during lesson, and I bought this chocolate bar, which tastes a little like snickers. FAT!


Lunch was as usual, taken after developmental psychology lecture. I think I am eating more and more in Korea. Bad sign. Time to stop eating so much.

I still love the dessert! The hotcake taste alike yellow thing on the top left, it's decorated with hersey's chocolate sauce. YUM!

Dinner was with 용완씨at around Anam area. He brought me to a BBQ place. The pork tastes absolutely delicious!! Super tender!! He ordered a Soju too. It was quite awkward initially as there was a bit of communication problem. HAHA. But it was alright after a while. I don't really know how to eat the pork so I just followed what he did! HAHA! As learned from Social Psychology, this is called Informational Social Influence where you observe what others around you are doing and you think that it is the correct/ appropriate behaviour and follow suit.

Side dishes to go with the pork! 

 BBQ pork in the making!

The soju which he ordered. Tastes like vodka, a little.

Chef 용완!

Ok I have Social Psych test tomorrow! It's all the chapters at a go! Time to study!

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