Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 40 - 02 August (Ginseng Chicken)

The shuttle bus. I think Thursday will be the last day that I'm taking this bus. So sad.
Today's weather was fine just that it got super hot in the afternoon. 

There's only Social Psychology and Korean lesson today. So Audrey, Joanne, Yanzhi, Wai San and I went to Dongdaemun after the lesson to have lunch and shop. It wasn't really a shopping trip, more of a lunch trip cause we forgot to alight from the train and went to another stop, so we ended up spending some time navigating to Dongdaemun.

Prior to the trip to ddm, there was Social Psychology test. And though some of the questions were repeated, I think it wasn't all so easy, but not very difficult also. I hope I can maintain above 90. Then I will CHIONG all the way for my Korean language test.

 Took with this Tiger after Social Psych test. KU's symbol is a tiger.

This was the beef bone soup at DongDaeMun. 

 The marinated pork in DongDaeMun.

We were so hungry that we went to eat at the first stall we saw. And ended up the price there was quite ex. But it was nice! So we walked around dongdaemun and then returned back to school for Korean Lesson. Today was the last lesson for Korean Language. Audrey bought a cake for 선생님.

During the break, we decided to give 선생님 a cake. It was quite funny, we all decided to go out of the class together while she was using the computer. We stood outside of the classroom and was getting ready to bring in the cake. At that moment, 선생님 opened the door! HAHA! It was super hilarious! She was so shocked and surprised that her face was blushing! I thought she almost cried! Lol! We gave her cards too. There were 2 cards. Then when she opened and read it, she pointed out a mistake in the Korean word that one of my class mate wrote. lol. Then we took quite a lot of photos with her, and then she suddenly realised that too much of the lesson time was taken to do all these and settled us down before giving us a listening practice.

My 귀예워요  선생님!!

선생님 feels like a star here. Haha.


저는 하고 선생님!!

I will miss my 선생님! She's so cute and funny. She is very encouraging! Every time we were told to read, she will comment "good", I think she is trying to get us all to speak up more.

After lessons, I met up with Paul and Sam, together with yz and Joel, we went to eat the legendary famous 토속촌 사게탕!!! We met up at around 645pm at WooDang Hall before setting out to 경복궁 station. Once you reach the station, look for exit 2 and walk out of the station. Follow the streets, walk all the way down, past Baskin Robins. Look for the Neon sign that reads 토속촌 사게탕. It's not very far from the station, around 100m. The place is super super famous so you must and have to wait to try it. Not sure if there's reservation though.

Look at the queue!!

While waiting.. 

 And waiting..

 Finally we advanced to the entrance. Note the sky colour.

 And we finally get to go in!

 I suppose that's the number of the place.

You have to removed your shoes when you enter the eating place. The place is pretty well decorated. It looks like those traditional homes where people have different rooms for different activities. Here, the rooms were all for eating. And it's quite packed inside. Once we got a seat, they served us the Ginseng Shot and Ginseng Tea. Cool isn't it?

 Ginseng Shot.

Paul ordered 5 Ginseng Black Chicken soup for us.

 TADA!! Ginseng Black Chicken!!
It tastes better than the previous one that I tried.
The soup is awesome!!! The price is also awesome!! Black chicken is expensive! But I think it's worth a try cause you won't be eating it everyday. The ginseng chicken has a very large piece of ginseng stuffed inside it. The ginseng was very tender, I believed that it's been boiled with the soup for very long. Hence the essence of the ginseng resides in the glutinous rice inside the chicken and the soup! There were also chestnut, black sesame, sunflower seeds in it. SUPERB NICE! This time round, we didn't go for ice cream, cause I felt too full and most of us had not much money left.

After dinner, we went back to our dorms. Since Paul is leaving on Thursday morning, and he has plans on Wednesday, we decided to give him the souvenirs we bought from Singapore, the BBQ Pork (Bakkwa from Bee Cheng Hiang). LOL! Also, Singapore Curry by Joel. It's nice having Paul to show us around and do the translation. Thanks Paul!

Paul and I :)

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