Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Food and more food!

I received these from Pq long ago. Think 2 weeks back. I got the kimchi for my cousin and got the baseball cracker for myself. haha. The baseball cracker is NICE! The kimchi was a bit too sour but I like it! Missing the free time in Korea. Studying in NUS is so stressful 기분이 나빠요!

I miss the food there. The bbq beef, the egg thingy and the rice wine!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Post-Korea University days

about two weeks have passed since I returned from Korea University. And I received the certificate of completion just a few days ago. It sort of brought back some memories I had. It was a wonderful summer spent in Korea. The day trips, the new friends I made, the food and of cos the nice hostel that I lived in. Not forgetting my buddy and room mate! LOL!

I wish to visit Korea again. Hopefully for my graduation trip. But first, I need to save up! Then hopefully I can meet my buddy.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 43 - 05, 06 August (Back to Singapore)

When I'm doing this entry, I'm actually at home, so the feelings expressed may not be the exact feelings then.

The last day in Seoul. Mixed feelings were observed. I didn't sleep through the night as I was frantically packing my luggage. And I can't seem to squeeze everything in. Argh! It was just sickeningly maddening! I went on to try different arrangement of the things that I have to pack. But none seems to work. Hence I have to turn to shipment which is irritatingly disturbing!

Though the night I didn't have any sleep, hence, mood = grumpy! At around 11pm Daniel, yz, joel and I went to Seoul Station Lotte Mart to do some last minute shopping. Got ginseng chicken for Jiamin as requested, and of cos some snacks and ginseng chicken for my family.

Burger King for Lunch. 

Had to lug back the things bought. Was superbly tired then. But had to complete everything else I won't be back in Singapore with all my things. After the last minute buying, Daniel came in to help me pack my clothes since he has a lot of ziplock bags, plus he's really good in packing. Kenny then came in also to chit chat. Then we had to leave for shipment of the items. The amount of things I had to ship weighs 12.10kg initially then I thought it was too much things and I reduced it by throwing away my notes! So I suppose that it weights like around 11.5kg. Did all the box things and then start putting the items in. The packing took A LOT of time!! HATE PACKING! I had to check out at 430pm but I was still at the post office at like 530pm?! Then there was some commotion about why the posting forms we use are different from the rest, but no one wants to ask why!? I was super duper tired then and just went forward to ask and finally got the answer. The shipment will reach in 10days to 2 weeks time. Total weight of yz, joel and I = ~24.5kg. I paid for 13.5kg and the both of them paid for 5.5kg worth cause I have more things to ship.

Went back to C-J from post office is no joke in the extremely hot weather yesterday! I perspired everytime I walked out of the C-J house. So my mood was double grumpy! And Emma is waiting for me in the lobby so I had to do everything in cheetah speed!! So Emma thought I was angry with her cos I had the frown on me when I saw her at the lobby. But it's not, it's just that I am super tired and some other stuff.

Everything was settled at around 615pm. I bathed, packed and went down to meet Emma. Then both of us decided to weigh our luggage at the gym. And GUESS WHAT! OVERWEIGHT!! Frantic mood activated! We went back down and started to unpack! I gave all the shoes to Kenny, which I am feeling very bad now. I gave Olivia the moisturizer, gave Kenny toothpaste, body wash, threw away some notes. It was madness then, and I don't want to remember anything of it.

Looking at how heavy our luggage were, we decided to cab all the way to Incheon Airport. It cost 28350won per person. And guess what I had for dinner?

 McDonalds for dinner. How healthy I am!! 

Looking at the time, we then went to search for our gate! And it was so difficult to find out where the departure gate was. Maybe cause I was dead tired then. I almost fell asleep when talking to Emma. After walking as though we were participating in Big Walk, we finally found Gate 113!

Going home!

Gate to the plane.

Yeah!!! My boarding pass to plane! 

Look at the crowd to the plane.

After like 6hours, the announcement said that we will arrive at KL 38mins earlier. Hmm. So it meant that I have to wait an additional 38 mins for the next plane. After exiting Emma and I went to eat breakfast, Singapore food! Toast and Milk Tea like finally! Nice Milk Tea!!

 Waiting for food.

What we ordered. 

 Fabulous Milk Tea!!

 Kaya butter toast!!

Peanut Butter toast!!

620am, and I went to take my next plane back to Singapore. Emma's plane at 12pm. So I left first. I was still dead tired although i slept in the previous plane.

To Singapore!

I'm back in Singapore finally. Will be going to Batam tomorrow morning. Need to do a lot of things today.

Day 42 - 04 August (Graduation Ceremony)

Today is the last official day in Korea University. And there was Korean test. Hmm.
While studying for Korean, we went down to Paul's recommended Beef Stew meal for lunch. It was pouring during the walk down but the hot soup made us more comfortable.

Beef Stew with noodles and porridge. It's not filling at all.

So I ate this sweet red bean donut bought from Paris Baguette.

The Korean test was rather difficult. There were a lot of sentences which puzzled me. Hence, I did the paper via guessing which is the odd one out from the 4 options available. I'm still hoping for a A so that I can be eligible for the scholarship!

After the test, we proceed to the graduation ceremony at LG Building (Supex). The place is quite grand. And robes were available for loaning! It's so unbelievable! 

Me in robe!

 Daniel, me, Ayden and Joel

Group photo! 

 PeiQuan and I

 Sarah and I

 Daniel and I.

Daniel, Emma and I

 At the end of the ceremony!

We proceeded to level 6 for the farewell dinner. The food was nice just that the number of seats were seriously insufficient!! It's very sickening actually to have to stand around. But the prawn is good. A pity I didn't take any photos of it, shall kapo from Audrey.

Salmon, Ham, Prawn kimchi etc..

 Farewell dinner speech

 Dance performance by the buddies.

 Traditional performance.

 Traditional performance.

 Singing by ISC Students, some of them.

Us with Hui Ting. 

Jun and I. My room mate!

On our way out to cafe, but stopping to take a photo first.

Korea University night view.

After walking around and searching for cafe, we went to Cafe Bene in the end. And I ordered my favourite Green Tea Latte.

After talking for a while, Joel, Yz and I went to find Audrey, Joanne and co. at some pub above Samsung chicken. When we went up, they were a bit dazed and hyunji (I don't know how to spell) came grabbing us and trying to force us to drink. I rejected it. Yz too. But Joel drank it. They were going almost high and we left. I went back to my dorm and did laundry so that everything could be packed in my luggage w/o much smell. It was around 515am when Jun left. Gave him the letter, bak kwa and packaged Laksa for him to bring back. It's quite sad to see everyone leaving. First it was Kevin, though I didn't see him leave, but it was strangely quiet after he left. Then followed by Jun.

I wonder when will be the next time I meet Jun and Paul. Sigh.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 41 - 03 August

Its almost the end. I have to maximize the time spent here, and I did that today.
I met up with my Buddy 곽민정씨 at 930am at Cold Stone. 

The road down to meet my buddy.

Then we went to some cafe nearby as I have lesson at 1050am. I'm not sure what that cafe is called, but the main purpose of the cafe is actually for people to study. They have lamps by the side of the cafe. It's quite cool to see such stuff. Singapore should have that too. We wanted to have pancakes but the pancake store is only open at 10am =( which is why we went to this study cafe.

The black board in the cafe.

Self service water.

These are the lamps which I mentioned.

민정씨 하고 저

 My breakfast. The bread is super nice!

We chatted about quite a lot of things. We exchanged some photos. I show her the photographs of some Singapore food and she showed me her family members photos. It's quite sad that we only met up for a few occasions. How I wished that we met up more often. Sigh. 너무슬퍼요!!

너무고마워요 민정씨!! 

Then, 민정씨 sent me to school while she went to meet her sister. Lesson with Prof Oishi Shige was fast as today was just the returning of the paper and review. I got an A for my social psych. Borderline A. Phew! It's now left with Korean language. I really hope that I can get an A! Then I would be eligible for the scholarship to recover some losses! Lunch was at school cafe, not the usual canteen which we always eat.

Prior to lunch, I went to take a photo with my developmental Psychology Professor! Interesting guy!

Fish cutlet.

Then we went to check out the shipment fees at the 우체국 (post office). 

 The fees for shipment. Look at the blue column.

After lunch, I went to get some Smoothie King to drink with Audrey and Joanne. Ayden and Joel didn't get it though. I saw Suli's poster and took a photo with it =)


 I chose Jeju Green Tea Smoothie! SUPER NICE!! 너무 맛있어여요!!

 On our way back to CJ House. Wonder when will be the next time I walk this route..

Went back to dorm for a while before heading to the Ice Rink in Korea University. We met at 4pm before going over. It only cost 5700Won to ice skate!! Firstly because we were students from KU, so the entrace fee is 5000, but because we do not have gloves, so there's the other 700Won. Its really cheap! But please remember to bring jacket! I almost got frost bites! Damn cold. My fingers were red and almost had no feelings. 

 Up the hill to the Ice Rink

 KU Ice Rink

It's very difficult to ice skate!! I almost fell like ten thousand times, but didn't fall. Phew. I was trying to skate but when I almost got the hang of it, times up! Anyway we can skate for as long as you want. It closes at 6pm. But an hour inside the rink almost made me freeze to death! But we skate till it closes. It's very fun! I want to ice skate again!! But there's no more time already. Sigh. And it's too costly to skate in Singapore!!

 Super cold!!! 충워요!!!!!

After the eventful ice skating, we went out for dinner. Ate some jim dak? I think. It's the one we ate at Myeong-Dong with Minjung and Kenny.


 Tada! There's sweet potato, potatoes, egg, mandoo, glass noodles and of course the chicken!

Daniel joined us halfway through, so we ordered another portion of the dish (a different one) and shared. Daniel was upset over his test. Hmm. Seems like everyone is aiming for the scholarship. I shall study hard tonight also!

After you finish your meal, you can order seasoned rice and the staff will mix the rice in to the remaining sauce left on the plate. SUPER NICE!! Why didn't I notice this place before! 그럼데, the one we had in Myeong-Dong was nicer!

Then we walked back to our dorms. I bought the red bean donut from Paris Baguette, and the green tea ice cream which cost 700won only! I LOVE GREEN TEA AND RED BEAN!!! YUM!!

I shall upload more photos when Audrey sent me the photos.